Your information will be used to provide you with mail forwarding and change of address services. Collection is authorized by 39 U.S.C. 401, 403, and 404. Providing the information is voluntary, but if not provided we will not be able to process your request. We do not disclose your information to third parties without your consent, except to facilitate the transaction, to act on your behalf or request, or as legally required.
This includes the following limited circumstances: to a congressional office on your behalf; to financial entities regarding financial transaction issues; to a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) auditor; UPS to entities, including law enforcement, as required by law or in legal proceedings; to contractors and other entities aiding us to fulfill the service (service providers); to federal, state, local or foreign government agencies regarding personnel matters or for the performance of its duties; for the service of legal process; for voter registration purposes; for jury service duties; to a disaster relief organization if the address has been impacted by a disaster or manmade hazard; to individuals or companies already in possession of your name and old mailing address, as an address correction service.
Information will also be provided to licensed service providers of the USPS to perform mailing list correction service of lists containing your name and old address.
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